

The present stately Cathedral is dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. The construction work was begun in 1846 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Anthony Borghi, OFM Cap, the Vicar- Apostolic of Tibet-Hindustan and was solemnly blessed by him on January 1, 1848. The architect of the Cathedral was Rev. Fr. Bonaventure, an Italian from Florence.

In 1857 the Church was extensively damaged during the First War of Independence. The magnificent High Altar which was donated by Messers John & Co. was consecrated with great solemnity by the Most Rev. Dr. Gentili, OFM Cap., in December 1899. The beauty of the Church was further enhanced by paving its floor with white and black marble slabs and replacing the six plaster altars at the side with marble ones.

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception had been renovated in 1986, in preparation for the Centenary Celebration of the establishment of the Vicariate Apostolic of Agra into a Metropolitan See by the letter of the His Holiness Pope Leo XIII 'humanae salutis auctor' dated 1st September 1886. The work began in March 1986 by Fr. Thomas K.C., the then Parish Priest and with guidance of Archbishop the Most Rev. Dr. Cecil DeSa, entire ceiling and the entire Church building and four pictures of the Stations of the Cross (9, 10, 11 & 12) in the Church were painted, which were totally damaged. The Church had a gorgeous new look. In addition to this, a well-designed boundary wall was built around the Grotto.

The oval-shaped and well designed boundary wall built around the Akbar's Church, added a royal look, befitting to the donor and the illustrious benefactor of the Mission in the sixteenth century, Akbar the Great. The Cathedral has been renovated under the directions of Archbishop Albert D'Souza, Fr. John Ferreira and Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Joe Thykkattil in 2013. Some of the milestones in the history of the Cathedral parish are 1. St. Patrick's Jr. College (Estd. 1842), 2. St. Peter's College (Estd. 1846), St. Vincent's Girls' High School (Estd. 1912) and St. Paul's Inter College (Estd. 1959). For many years the Cathedral was under the Capuchin Fathers and they had handed it over to the Diocesan Priests. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. John Pachelli Fernandes 1969 - 1973
Fr. Ivan Thotungal, OFM Cap 1973 - 1976
Fr. Joe Vadakekkara 1976 - 1985
Fr. K.C. Thomas 1985 - 1990
Fr. Joe Thykkattil 1990 - 1999
Fr. Gregory Tharayil 1999 - 2001
Fr. John D'Cunha 2001 - 2005
Fr. Raphy Manjaly 2005 - 2007
Fr. Jose Maliekal 2007 - 2012
Fr. Joe Thykkattil 2012 - 2018
Fr. Ignatius Miranda 2018 - 2024
Address Cathedral House Wazirpura Road, Agra - 282 003
Phone 0562-2851318, 2524806
Primary Patroness Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
Secondary Patron St. Gonsalo Garcia
Annual Feast Day December 8
Estd. 1848
Catholics 1025
Mass Centre The Church of Pieta, Agra
Clergy Fr. Rajan Dass (PP)
Fr. Vincent Antony (APP)
Religious Houses
Convent of Jesus & Mary (RJM) T. 2521108, 7060113789
Fatima Convent (FS) T. 2857203
Franciscan Brothers (CMSF) M. 6295343300
San Damiano Convent (FCC) T. 2851276, 9058087007
Satyaseva Sadan (SCS) M.9410663550
St. Francis Convent (CFMSS) M. 9873316266
St. Alphonsa Convent (MSA) M. 8171007358
Vianney Home T. 0562 - 2851318
ACDSSS (Diocesan Social Work) T. 2522887
Sadbhavana (Centre for Dialogue) T. 7351174888
St. Joseph's Pastoral Centre T. 2527313
St. Alphonsa Institute of Spl. Edu. T. 2850003
St. Felix Nursery School T. 2856448
St. Francis Convent School M. 8791077004, 9639381605
St. Joseph's Girls' Inter College T. 2851850, 9411463716
St. Joseph's Press (CMSF) M. 9457777308
St. Patrick's Junior College T. 2853848, 2520107
St. Patrick's Boarding (Girls) M.8435507721
St. Paul's Inter College T. 2850443, 886988455
St. Peter's College T. 2852376
St. Vincent's Girls' High School M. 7500060895
St. Vincent's Girls' Hostel M. 9536637730
UKSVK T. 2524087


The Church was built in the beginning of the 17th century. The present Church was blessed on October 10, 1848 was meant for the Irish Regiment. When the British left, Fr. Percy Quiteiro was appointed Parish Priest in 1950; followed by Fr. Aloysius OFM Cap and Fr. Edmund OFM Cap.

St. Clare's School was opened in 1957 by the Clarist nuns from Mount Mary's Bandra, Mumbai. They closed down the school in 1970. In 1971 the school was taken over by the Archdiocese of Agra and Rev. Fr. Jose Muttath was appointed as the Principal. The new school building was dedicated as a memorial to Archbishop Dominic Athaide's Episcopal Silver Jubilee. The Sisters of Canossian Daughters of Charity started to work in the school since 1988. The Air Force Station is also served from this parish. In 2016 Rev. Fr. John Ferreira renovated and painted the Church giving it a new look. The following are the Diocesan priests who served here from 1970:

St. Clare's Sr. Sec. School

Fr. Jose Muttath 1970 - 1986
Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi 1986 - 1992
Fr. Antony C. J. 1992 - 1994
Fr. John Ferriera 1994 - 1995
Fr. George Paul 1995 - 1997
Fr. Bhaskar Jesuraj 1997 - 1999
Fr. Simon Tuscano 1999 - 2005
Fr. Joe Vadakkekara 2005 - 2010
Msgr. K. C. Thomas 2010 - 2014
Fr. John Ferreira 2014 - 2019
Fr. Gregory Tharayil 2019 -
Address St. Patrick's Church 118, Prithviraj Road Agra Cantt. - 282 001
Phone 0562-2225266
Patron St. Patrick
Annual Feast day March 17
Estd 1848
Catholics 446
Clergy Fr. Gregory Tharayil (PP)
Fr. Sunny Kottoor
Fr. Samma Joseph
Religious House
Canossian Convent (FDCC) T. 2970362
T. 2227721, 2227747
St. Patrick's Social Work Centre M. 7900972253

St. Mary's Church came into existence in April 1923 as a gift from the well-known John family of Agra, in memory of Mrs. Mary John. They also donated the adjoining compound with a large bungalow in it for the maintenance of the Church and the chaplain.

The foundation stone of this Church was laid on April 5, 1920 and on its completion, was blessed by Archbishop Raphael Bernacchioni on April 5, 1923 and was dedicated to Mary, Mother of Good Counsel. Thus, the Church came to fulfill the long-felt need of the residents of the locality as they found the Cathedral and St. Patrick's Parish too far for their spiritual needs. In 1968, at the request of the H.A.L. employees, the dedication was changed by Archbishop Dominic Athaide to Mary Mother of Good Health, after the Shrine of Our Lady of Velankani in Tamil Nadu.

The Religious Sisters of Jesus & Mary, seeing the need of the Catholics, established St. Anthony's School in 1845. The compound adjoining the Church was handed over to the Missionaries of Charity by the Archbishop in 1961. In 1964 Shishu Bhavan, a home for the abandoned, crippled and differently abled children was opened. Prem Dan, a home for the aged and dying destitutes was opened in 1980.

St. Lawrence of Brindisi (Minor Seminary) was shifted from the Cathedral Campus and relocated on 26 February, 1991. Till 1984 Capuchin Fathers served in this parish and later it was handed over to Pilar Fathers. Now it is under Diocesan Fathers since 2000. In 1995, ASMI Sisters started a Hospital and in 2005 PSOL Sisters started Divya Prabha (A Home for Children at Risk). The following are the Priests who served the parish:

Fr. Hugh, OFM Cap
Fr. John Pachelli Fernandes
Fr. Lawrence Colaco, OFM Cap
Fr. Percy Quiteiro, OFM Cap
Fr. Jose Maliekal 1984 - 1986
Fr. John D'Cunha 1986 - 1987
Fr. Joe Vadakkekara 1987 - 1989
Fr. Blaise Gonsalves 1989 - 1992
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 1992 - 1993
Fr. Shivaji Henriques, SFX 1993 - 1996
Fr. Eusebio Gomes, SFX 1996 - 2000
Fr. Henry D'Souza, SFX 2000 - 2001
Fr. Raphy Vallachira 2001 - 2003
Fr. Philip Correia 2003 - 2010
Fr. Eugene Moon Lazarus 2010 - 2016
Fr. Stephen Kolandaiswamy 2016 - 2023
Fr. Joseph Dabre 2023 -
Address St. Mary's Church 8 Ajmer Road, Pratappura Agra - 282 001
Phone 2463505
Patroness Our Lady of Good Health
Annual feast day September 8
Estd 1923
Catholics 970
Clergy Fr. Joseph Dabre (PP)
Religious Houses:
Convent of Jesus & Mary (RJM) T. 2267278
Fatima Bhawan (ASMI) T. 2466550, 9411085189
Missionaries of Charity (MC) T. 2269722, 6888935
Poor Sisters of Our Lady (PSOL) M. 9410251470
Fatima Hospital T. 6537235, 9412159807
St. Anthony's Junior College T. 2463335
St. Lawrence Minor Seminary T. 2460331

St. Thomas Parish was carved from Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and came into existence on July 3, 2010, on the feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle of India, in the Chapel of CFMSS - St. Francis Convent, Sikandra, UPSIDC area. One acre land was purchased on lease from ADA by Fr. K.C. Thomas for the Primary school. Fr. Joe Vadakekkara, the first residential Priest was appointed in 2010 and he stayed in a rented house in Ansal Courtyard, Shastripuram. Meanwhile, the construction for a school building was undertaken. Archbishop Albert D'Souza inaugurated and blessed the building on April 11, 2014 and named it St. Thomas School. For the extension of the school the Education Society has bought 3.5 acres of land at Jaupura for presbytery and recently 8.2 acres at Sunari for the school. The foundation stone was laid on May 15, 2019 and the same was blessed and inagurated (St. Thomas Niwas) on November 23, 2019. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. Joe Vadakkekara 2010 - 2015
Fr. Arun Lasrado 2015 - 2016
Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2016 - 2018
Fr. Arun Lasrado 2018 - 2019
Fr. Dennis D'Souza 2019 - 2023
Fr. John D'Cunha 2023 - 2024
Fr. Rogimon Urumbil 2024 -
Address St. Thomas Church C/o St. Thomas School Shastripuram P.O. Sikandra, Agra - 282 007
Mobile 9457374221
Patron St. Thomas, the Apostle
Annual Feast Day July 3
Estd 2010
Catholics 216
Mass Centres Sikandra, Nanpur, Jaupura
Runkata, Ansal Town
Clergy Fr. Rogimon Urumbil (PP)
Fr. Roy Dolphus
Religious Houses
Assisi Convent (FCC) M. 7055140042
Capuchin Ashram (OFM Cap) T. 2600645
Daughters of the Cross (FC) M. 9149232774
Nirmala Convent (UMI) M. 9686587220
Mount Carmel Ashram (OCD) M. 8968780531
Our Lady of Graces Convent (FSLG) M. 7417272541
St. Francis Convent (CFMSS) T. 3249536, 8979209127
St. Mary's Convent (FSMA) M. 9897199400
Assisi Convent School M. 7302872215
Nirmala Convent School M. 9686587220
St. Conrad's Inter College T. 2605101, 2601365
St. Francis Sr. Sec. School T. 3251551
St. Thomas School T. 6459577
Stella Maris School M. 7302215107

In the year 1991-92, the Fathers of the Society of Pilar were invited by late Archbishop the Most Rev. Dr. Cecil DeSa to reside at St. Mary's Church, Pratappura, Agra, with a view to establishing a new Parish at Rajpur Chungi, Agra. However, owing to some reasons, this plan did not materialize. Rev. Fr. Joe Vadakkekara, the then Parish Priest of St. Patrick's Church, Agra, purchased a plot of land between Rajpur Chungi and Deori Road at Kaulakha Village in 2008.

Later on Fr. Paul Thannickal, the then Principal of St. Clare's Senior Secondary School, purchased another plot of land adjacent to the main plot, on which the present Pre-Primary School, namely St. Clare's School Unit II, Nirmalalaya Convent and the Church of St. Jude are built. Rev. Fr. Philip Correia got the Pre-Primary block, the Convent and the Church built. The School was blessed and inaugurated on April 9, 2014, and the Nirmalalaya Convent on June 24, 2014 by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza, the Archbishop of Agra. St. Jude's Church was blessed on November 1, 2015. Inauguration and blessing of the presbytery was on August 16, 2019. The following Priests served the Parish:

Fr. Philip Correia 2015 - 2017
Fr. Shiju Pallipadan 2017 – 2021
Fr. Raphy Vallachira 2021 –
Address C/o St. Clare's School, Unit II Deori Road, Kaulakha Agra - 282 001
Mobile 8755984402
Patron St. Jude
Annual Feast Day October 28
Estd 2014
Catholics 322
Clergy Fr. Raphy Vallachira (PP)
Fr. Roshan D’Silva
Religious Houses
Holy Family Convent (CHF) M. 9412250312
Nirmalalaya (SHM) M. 8859613945
St. Clare's School, Unit II M. 7248661781
St. Mary's Convent School M. 9457656054

On his way to Etah from Bastar, Fr. Joe Vadakekkara happened to stop in a village called Achalpur. Talking to the people, he came to know that there were CNI Christians without any shepherd. He opened a non-formal school in a shed belonging to Mr. Mahipal who was a Christian. Sunday Mass was offered for the eight Christian families regularly. FCC Sisters and their Novices from Etah visited the place and catechised the families to Catholicism and were given First Communion and Confirmation on Easter Sunday in 1999, by Fr. Joe Vadakekkara himself. Mr. Mahipal and family promised to donate about 250 sq. yards of land for the Mission. RCDA built a prayer hall-cum-classroom, a room for the priest and on the first floor a convent. FCC Sisters began to stay there from the year 2000. Their main apostolate is socio-pastoral work. This mission was looked after from Etah.

Fr. Mathew (Joby) Kanjirathinkal bought five kacha bigha (one acre) land from Mr. Devender Kumar and family in 2014. The Foundation Stone of St. Mary's School was laid on February 11, 2015. The Foundation for the Presbytery was laid on December 17, 2018. St. Mary's School was built in the year 2018. Fr. Francis D'Souza is the first priest in-charge from 2019.

Fr. Francis D'Souza 2019 - 2024
Fr. Mariyan Lobo 2024 -
Address Lourdu Mata Mission Miraichi, Achalpur Etah Dt. 207 125
Patroness Our Lady of Lourdes
Annual Feast Day Feb. 11
Estd 2000
Catholics 59
Clergy Fr. Mariyan Lobo (Priest-in-charge)
Religious House
Lourdu Mata Convent, FCC M. 7599044618
St. Mary's School M. 9410833682

The Pioneer of this new mission at Aduki was formally inaugurated on August 1, 2020 when Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil took charge on August 1, 2020 as the Priest in-charge of St. Mother Teresa Seva Niketan the presbytery and the convent of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate (FSM).

The process of obtaining the present plot of land (approx. 4 acres) commenced in 2011 when the first plot was registered on September 26, 2011 and the remaining four plots were added to it by 2013. This property was under the care of St. Dominic Sr. Sec. School, Mathura Cantt. and its respective authorities till July 2020. Rev. Fr. Elias Correia, the then Principal of the School acquired the land.

In early February, 2020 the construction of the presbytery and the convent began. Unfortunately owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and the related hazards, the work got stalled till the end of June 2020.

The vision for this mission is to launch into some social out-reach programmes like women empowerment, adult education, skill development and programmes to improve self-reliance. Situated just a kilometer and half away from the National Highway 2, Aduki falls behind the Mathura Refinery Nagar. The prospects of the mission under the patronage of St. Mother Teresa is great.

Fr. Saroj Nayak 2022 - 2023
Fr. Lawrence V Raja 2023 -2024
Fr. Shajun S 2024 -
Address St. Mother Teresa Seva Niketan Behind Refinery Nagar Mauja Aduki Adooki P.O. Mathura - 281 006, U.P.
Phone 9837001846/9810881846
Patroness St. Mother Teresa of Kolkata
Annual Feast Day September 5
Estd. January 2021
Catholics Nil
Clergy Fr. Shajun S (Priest-in-charge)
Religious Houses
Franciscan Servants of Mary (FSM)
Mother Teresa Seva Niketan

The mission station was started in 1958. Rev. Frs. Gyan Prakash and Virendra of IMS were the pioneer missionaries. In 1968 Fr. Virendra IMS bought the land. In 1970 Fr. Prasad Pinto, OFM Cap built the priest house. In 1972 the IMS Fathers of Varanasi Province handed over the mission to the Archdiocese of Agra. Mr. Chandra Pal of Jaith was appointed as the Catechist who used to teach the village children in the shade of a tree. In 1975 the present school was constructed under the guidance of late Rev. Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath. In 2001 the former Archbishop of Agra, the Most Rev.

Dr. Oswald Gracias, invited the Sisters of the Bombay Province of the Daughters of the Cross to work in the Parish and the School of this Mission. On July 3, 2003 the Mission was inaugurated by the then Vicar General, Rev. Fr. K. C. Thomas in the presence of many Fathers and the Provincial Rev. Sr. Angel Rodrigues and Sisters. Later, the Mission was looked after by Rev. Fr. Gregory Tharayil. The foundation stone for the new Church and convent at Ajaynagar was laid on August 15, 2010. The Fatima Church was blessed on May 13, 2011 and Navodaya Sadan Convent was blessed on July 24, 2011 by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza.

The Religious Sisters of Satya Seva arrived and opened a convent in Gohanpur on September 18, 2000. The foundation for St. Joseph's School was laid on March 19, 2010 and blessed on March 19, 2012 by the Archbishop. The Priest in-charge was Fr. Thomas Mathew (Sunil). The foundation stone of the present convent and the presbytery was laid on April 6, 2018 and blessed on May 1, 2019 by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza.

The Mission was served from Sacred Heart Parish, Mathura. The first residential Priest appointed to look after the spiritual needs of the people at Ajaynagar and Gohanpur was Rev.

Fr. Shiju Pallipadan. After the blessing and inauguration of the presbytery at Gohanpur in 2019, Priest started residing over there. The following are the priests in-charge:

Fr. Jipson Palatty 2004 - 2005
Fr. Shiju Pallipadan 2005 - 2010
Fr. Thomas Mathew (Sunil) 2010 - 2013
Fr. Stany V. Rodrigues 2013 - 2017
Fr. Cyril Moras 2017 – 2021
Fr. Vineesh Joseph 2020 - 2021
Fr. Prakash Rodrigues (In-charge) 2021 -
Address Fatima Mission Ajay Nagar, Mahavan (P.O.) Mathura (Dt.) 281 001
Phone 0565-2901288
Patroness Our Lady of Fatima
Annual Feast Day October 13
Estd 1966
Catholics 122
Mass Centres St. Joseph's Church, Gohanpur
Clergy Fr. Prakash Rodrigues
Religious Houses
Navodaya Sadan (FC) T. 2901306
St. Joseph's Convent (SCS) M. 9012487811
Fatima Vidhyalaya, Ajaynagar M. 9927003339
St. Joseph's School, Gohanpur T. 05661-272543
St. Anthony's School, Nagla Chandu

It was on August 2, 1961, the then Archbishop Dr. Dominic Athaide appointed Fr. Edmund OFM Cap to initiate the first Mission Station of the Archdiocese of Agra. He started the mission in Aligarh, residing in a rented room in Abdullah Lodge and offering Sunday Mass in the spacious residence of the then Aligarh Station Master, Mr. Cabral, a Catholic from Allahabad. Meanwhile the Archbishop invited the FSMA Sisters of Mhow (M.P.), to open a convent and an English medium School in Aligarh. The Sisters camped in Chhatri Wali Kothi on rent, and later shifted to Khalil Manzil. The school was in another building in the premises of Abdullah Lodge on Marris Road, till it was in permanent location in 1967. The second Priest in-charge of the Mission, also the first Diocesan Priest was Fr. Thomas Paramundayil (1964-1967). His ingenuity, wisdom and farsightedness gave a permanent campus to the Mission. With the arrival of Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity, the Mission became more lively. After staying in a rented house for a couple of years, the Sisters moved to their own house in Jamalpur in 1983. The Mission was blessed with its Church in 1986 by Fr. Jose Akkara, the then Priest in-charge. The founding of St. Fidelis School in 1992 by Fr. K. K. Thomas, brought enhancement to the Mission. From 1993, the Holy Family Congregation has been rendering their services. Later in 2001, Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi shifted the Classes from sixth upward to the new site in Tala Nagari. Fr. Dennis D'Souza upgraded the School to Senior Secondary. On July 1, 2005, the Fatima Sisters arrived in Aligarh and started to help in the field of education. The unique, alternative ministry, catering to the needs of street children, Savio Navjeevan Bal Bhavan was established on 31st August 2005 by Fr. Jose Akkara. In July 2010, the congested shelter in Ekta Nagar was moved to a spacious house in Tala Nagari.

The Inter-religious dialogue, a unique endeavour to bring the people of different faiths together, was very dear to the pioneer Archbishop of Agra, the Most Rev. Dr. Dominic Athaide. He started this movement in Aligarh in the year 1974 itself. The Foundation Stone for 'Sadbhavana' - a Centre for Inter-religious Dialogue - was blessed by Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, the President of the Pontifical Council for Inter Religious Dialogue, Rome, in 2004 in the presene of Archbishop Oswald Gracias and Msgr. Felix Machado, the Secretary of the Pontifical Council. The same was established in 2012, is now headed by Fr. Varghese Kunnath. The Centre continues to be at Tala Nagari, Aligarh. For the Silver Jubilee Block, the foundation stone was laid on April 6, 2016 and blessed and inaugurated on July 3, 2017. The foundation stone for the St. Fidelis' Niwas was laid on October 7, 2016 and was blessed on December 1, 2017. The foundation stone for Kroot Bhawan was laid on September 4, 2016 and inaugurated on August 20, 2017. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. Edmund, OFM Cap 1961 - 1964
Fr. Thomas Paramundayil 1964 - 1968
Fr. Hugh, OFM Cap 1968 - 1970
Fr. Peter Celestine, OFM Cap 1970 - 1974
Fr. James, OFM Cap 1974 - 1975
Fr. John Lewis, OFM Cap 1975 - 1976
Fr. Jose Maliekal 1976 - 1977
Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi 1977 - 1981
Fr. Jose Akkara 1981 - 1987
Fr. Thomas K.K. 1987 - 1995
Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi 1995 - 2001
Fr. Dennis D'Souza 2001 - 2003
Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath 2003 - 2008
Fr. Bhaskar Jesuraj 2008 - 2009
Fr. Alwyn Pinto 2009 - 2013
Fr. Gregory Tharayil 2013 - 2019
Fr. John D'Cunha 2019 - 2020
Fr. John Roshan Pereira 2020 -
Address St. Fidelis Church, Ramghat Road Aligarh - 202 001, U.P.
Phone 0571-2740468
Patron St. Fidelis
Annual Feast Day April 24
Estd 1961
Catholics 292
Mass Centres Narora, Jamalpur
Clergy Fr. John Roshan Pereira (PP)
Fr. Kulakant Chhinchani (APP)
Fr. Robert Varghese
Fr. Jose Akkara
Religious Houses
Holy Family Convent (CHF) T. 2740807
Kroot Bhavan (FS) M. 9412122259
Prem Niwas (MC) T. 2721683
Our Lady of Fatima Convent (FSMA) T. 2740122/9456976976
Our Lady of Fatima Sr. Sec. School T. 2740828/2970980
Our Lady of Fatima School (H.M.) M. 7830410535
Sadbhavana Pre-School T. 2780462
Savio Navjeevan Bal Bhavan T. 2780093
St. Fidelis Sr. Sec. School T. 2740854, 2780092

Since 1975 Franciscan Missionary Brothers had been working in this village. Bro. Hubert was instumental in acquiring the land. Rev. Fr. J. Prasad Pinto, OFM Cap, built a Church with the help of donors in 1978. In 1992, Mr. Albert from Meerut was appointed Catechist to teach children in the shade of a tree. In 1995 the school was constructed by the Franciscan Missionary Brothers and the Sisters of the Franciscan Clarist Congregation started their missionary work. In 1998, a convent and a health centre named Jyothi Bhavan were also established. In July 2004 the Franciscan Missionary Brothers handed over the school and the mission to the Archdiocese. Fr. Amrit Raj, OP, was resident priest serving the mission. Under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kollithanam, the foundation stone for the new Church was laid on March 21, 2009 and under the guidance of Rev.

Fr. Peter Pakhe it was blessed and inaugurated on October 2, 2011 by the Archbishop Most Rev. Albert D'Souza. In the place where the old Church was existed, the extension and expansion for the new school building was planned. It was blessed and inaugurated on September 13, 2018 by the Archbishop. The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Amrit Raj O.P. 2000 - 2002
Fr. Varghese Kunnath 2002 - 2003
Fr. Rogimon Thomas 2003 - 2004
Fr. Sebastian Kollithanam 2004 - 2009
Fr. Peter Parkhe 2009 - 2015
Fr. Shiju Pallipadan 2015 - 2017
Fr. Roshan D'Silva 2017 - 2022
Fr. Santeesh Antony 2022 -
Address St. Michael's Mission, Uspar P.O. Anupnagar, Mathura 281 002
Phone 0565-2960303
Annual Feast Day September 29
Patron St. Michael
Estd 1975
Catholics 461
Clergy Fr. Santeesh Antony (PP)
Religious House
Jyoti Bhavan (FCC) M. 9675800366
St. Michael's School M. 9720259093

In 1992, Fr. Joe Vadakekara, the priest-in-charge of Etah Mission, came across a Chapel of American Presbyterian Christians in Bastar without any shepherd. He further started non-formal schools in Bastar, Mohan Nagla, Dharampur and Achalpur villages in Budi Ganga Tarai area of Etah District. In 1993 a school building-cum-prayer hall - St. Joseph's Convent School - was constructed with the help of benefactors. Four local trained Catechists - Mr. Dharamdas, Mr. Vijender, Mr. Hamir Singh and Mr. Jacob Prasad, catechized the community of 26 Christian families. These families were received into Catholic faith in 1995 by Fr. Joe Vadakkekara. From 1995 onwards ACDSS extended its helping hand to expand the social work to many more villages. In due course of time the place was developed, owing to the constant visits and catechesis by the Masih Vidyapeeth seminarians and FCC Sisters. In 2003 a house was bought and the Archbishop Dr. Oswald Gracias inaugurated the place and administered the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation to 85 parishioners of the place. The Mission Station was named Rosary Mission as the day of blessing and Confirmation was held on October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The first residential Priest in-charge was Fr. Joseph Rodrigues appointed in the year 2006. The Sisters of CFMSS opened a convent in 2010. The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2004 - 2010
Fr. Jipson Palatty 2010 - 2013
Fr. Suresh Kumar D'Souza 2013 - 2018
Fr. Siju Pindikanayil (Joseph) 2018 - 2022
Fr. Vineesh Joseph 2022 -
Address Our Lady of Rosary Church Rosary Sadan, Via Ganjdundwara Bastar P.O. 207 242 Kanshiram Nagar (Dt.)
Patroness Our Lady of Rosary
Annual Feast Day October 7
Estd 2002
Catholics 99
Mass Centre Ganjdundwara
Clergy Fr. Vineesh Joseph (PP)
Religious House
Mother Seraphina Dham (CFMSS) M. 8755737134
St. Joseph's Convent School M. 7505916298

This Mission station was started on February 22, 1970. Fr. George Thykkattil and Jose Maliekal were the pioneer missionaries. In 1970 St. Peter's School was opened at Ranjit Nagar in a rented building. Fr. Alexander, OFM Cap, Rector of St. Lawrence Seminary, Agra, was taking care of Bharatpur till 1976. The school was shifted thrice and finally to its present location. Fr. Thomas Paramundayil purchased 12 bighas of land and owing to his tireless efforts the school building came up. In 1977 a Religious House was opened by Mother Anasthasia, the then Superior General of the Congregation of the Holy Family. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. Alexander, OFM Cap 1976 - 1976
Fr. Thomas Paramundayil 1976 - 2003
Fr. K. C. Thomas 2003 - 2010
Fr. Philip Correia 2010 - 2012
Fr. Xavier Arimboor 2012 - 2013
Fr. Roy Dolphus 2013 - 2014
Fr. Saji Palamattom (Jacob) 2014 - 2015
Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2015 - 2016
Fr. Elias Correia 2016 - 2018
Fr. Joe Thykkattil 2018 - 2019
Fr. Elias Correia 2019 - 2021
Fr. Mathew Thundiyil 2021 - 2022
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 2022 -
Address St. Peter's Church Police Lines, Bharatpur - 321 001 Rajasthan
Phone 05644-223443
Patron St. Peter
Annual Feast Day February 22
Estd 1970
Catholics 82
Clergy Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil (PP)
Fr. Shiju Pallipadan (APP)
Religious House
Holy Family Convent T. 231933
St. Peter's Sr. Secondary School T. 222700

In 1959 around 18 families of the villages Ochatta and Bhitela (Near Raya in Mathura District) came to Bhimnagar and settled there. Fr. Ishwari Prasad IMS was the pioneer missionary who lived with them in a hut. In 1965 a house was built by Fr. Dilasa IMS and Fr. Virender IMS, which is now known as St. Peter's Church, Bhimnagar. In 1971, Fr. Jose Maliekal was appointed as Priest In-charge. From July 1972 to 1980, Brother Ruban, Fr. John Joseph and others of the Capuchin Ashram rendered their services. From 1980, priests from the Cathedral Campus took charge of this mission, including Fr. Joe Vadakkekara, Fr. Varghese Kunnath, Fr. John Ferreira and others. Religious Sisters from San Damiano Convent, Missionaries of Charity, Fatima Hospital, etc. accompanied the Priest to the Mission. Fr. Jose Maliekal served the mission from 1984 to 1987. Later, the mission was taken care of by the priests in the Minor Seminary.

From 1995, Frs. Varghese Kunnath, Raphy Vallachira, Alwyn Pinto and Vinoy Pulivelil rendered their service to this mission.

The Church was reconstructed under the guidance of Fr. Alwyn Pinto then Priest in-charge and was blessed by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza, on June 28, 2009. From July 1, 2013, Fr. Jose Maliekal was appointed as the first resident Priest in-charge. Santvana Community joined the Parish Community on August 10, 2013 but later they discontinued. The following are the Priests in-charge:

Fr. Ishwari Prasad, IMS 1959 - 1965
Fr. Dilasa, IMS/Fr. Virender, IMS 1965 - 1971
Fr. Jose Maliekal 1971 - 1972
Br. Ruben, OFM Cap Fr. John Joseph, OFM Cap
Fr. John Lewis, OFM Cap Fr. Michael, OFM Cap 1972 - 1978
Fr. Joe Vadakekara 1979 - 1984
Fr. Jose Maliekal 1984 - 1987
Fr. George Paul, Fr. John Ferreira
Fathers from St. Peter's College 1987 - 1991
Fr. Xavier Arimboor 1991 - 1992
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 1992 - 1993
Fr. Raphy Vallachira 1993 - 1996
Fr. Alwyn Pinto 1996 - 1998
Fr. RaphyVallachira 1998 - 2001
Fr. Varghese Kunnath 2001 - 2002
Fr. Alwyn Pinto 2002 - 2009
Fr. Vinoy Pulivelil 2009 - 2013
Fr. Jose Maliekal 2013 - 2021
Fr. Vineesh Joseph 2021 - 2022
Fr. Lawrence V Raja 2022 - 2024
Fr. Shajun S 2024 -
Address St. Peter's Mission Bhimnagar, Farah P.O. Mathura Dt. 282 003
Patron St. Peter
Annual feast day June 29
Estd 1959
Catholics 124
Clergy Fr. Shajun S (PP)
(Co-pastor Fr. Shibu Kuriakose)

The Catholic mission in Bulandshahr was established by the charismatic missionary Rev. Bro. Hubert CMSF in 1960. Fr. Edmund, OFM Cap was the first priest in-charge of the Bulandshahr mission.

Nirmala Convent and Nirmala Convent School belonging to the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament were opened in Bulandshahr in 1962 in a rented house near the Collectorate. The school was shifted to a new building in 1965 which was further extended in 1977. In 1986 a new Priest house was built by the Archdiocese of Agra in a plot owned by the Sisters in Aadarsh Nagar. From 1961 the following priests rendered their services to the mission in Bulandshahr: Capuchin Frs. Edmund, Clement, Jaiswald, Timothy, Mathew, Peter Celestine, John Joseph, Ivan T., P. A. Joseph, John Lewis. St. Mary's Convent and School at Gulaothi was opened in the year 2016 by FSLG Sisters. Rev. Fr. Ignatius Miranda was instrumental in buying 9.5 acres of land at Utraval (Bulandshahar). The foundation stone for the presbytery at Bulandshahr was laid on October 26, 2019 and blessed on November 12, 2020 by Most Rev. Albert D'Souza. The following are the Diocesan priests:

Fr. C. J. Antony 1988 - 1992
Fr. Jose Maliekal 1992 - 1995
Fr. Simon Tuscano 1995 - 1999
Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath 1999 - 2003
Fr. Varghese Kunnath 2003 - 2007
Fr. Thomas Paramundayil 2007 - 2010
Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2010 - 2011
Fr. Arun Lasrado 2011 - 2012
Fr. Ignatius Miranda 2012 - 2018
Fr. Praveen D'Costa 2018 - 2022
Fr. Rajan Dass 2022 - 2024
Fr. Viniversal D’Souza 2024 -
Address St. Gonsalo Garcia Church Gonsalo Nivas, 828/15 Adarsh Nagar, Bypass Road Opp. Old R.T.O. Bulandshahr - 203 001
Phone 05732-234895
Patron St. Gonsalo Garcia
Annual Feast day February 6
Estd 1960
Catholics 66
Clergy Fr. Viniversal D’Souza (PP)
Religious Houses
Nirmala Convent (CFMSS) M. 9458272801
St. Mary's Convent (FSLG) M. 7011463731
Nirmala Convent School T. 243208
St. Mary's Convent School M. 7017428392

In July 1970, by the order of the late Archbishop, the Most Rev. Dominic Athaide, OFM Cap, St. Peter's School was opened in Dholpur. Fr. Ivan Thotungal, OFM Cap, and later on Fr. John Joseph, OFM Cap., Fr. Thomas K.C. and Fr. P.A. Joseph, OFM Cap were appointed. In 1976 the School was closed down owing to certain unavoidable circumstances. Since there were only a few Catholics, Fathers from St. Peter's College, Agra, continued to meet the spiritual needs of the people there.

In 1993, the Pilar Fathers were invited to the Diocese by the late Archbishop Cecil DeSa. The Superior of the Pilar Fathers sent an energetic and capable young priest Fr. Shivaji Henriques who was appointed as the Parish Priest of St. Mary's Church, Pratappura, Agra, with the additional charge of the Dholpur Mission. Later, Fr. Eusebio Gomes bought a piece of land and built the Presbytery in 2003. The Church dedicated to Our Lady of Pilar was blessed and inaugurated by the Most Rev. Oswald Gracias on February 5, 2005. St. Xavier's School was blessed by the Most Rev. Albert D'Souza on January 12, 2013 at Sua Ka Bhag, Dholpur. The Sisters of MSMM joined the mission in April 2013. The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Eusebio Gomes, SFX 2003 - 2003
Fr. Paixao Gonsalves, SFX 2003 - 2006
Fr. Vincent Machado, SFX 2006 - 2009
Fr. Anthony Fernandes, SFX 2009 - 2011
Fr. Joachim Miranda, SFX 2011 - 2013
Fr. Michael Fernandes, SFX 2013 - 2018
Fr. Alfredo Rodrigues, SFX 2018 -
Address Catholic Church, Suraksha Vihar Colony, Ondela Road, Dholpur 328 001, Rajasthan
Mobile 08696387334
Patroness Our Lady of Pilar
Annual Feast Day October 12
Estd 1970
Mass Centre Bardi, Basedi and Raja Khera
Catholics 28
Clergy Fr. Alfredo Rodrigues, SFX
Fr. Eusebio Gomes, SFX
Religious Houses
Pilar Niwas (SFX) M. 9404504302
MSMM Convent M. 09610787955
St. Xavier's School M. 09649183412, 09772206403

In 1960, the F.C.C. Sisters began their first Mission House in San Damiano Convent, Agra. Since a few Catholics were already working in Kasganj as Railway employees, Brother Hubert thought of opening a station at Kasganj. He had to meet the Planning Officer at Etah in that connection, as Kasganj was in Etah District. The Planning Officer directed Brother Hubert to the then District Magistrate Mr. Moizuddin Ahmed who was longing for a Missionary School at Etah.

The Archbishop entrusted the work of opening the school to the F.C.C. Sisters. On July 19, 1962 the Sisters reached Etah and the first ever Holy Mass was celebrated in Etah by Fr. Mathew, OFM Cap in the Sisters' chapel in a rented building. After staying in a rented building for a long time, Fr. Vijayan Menezes, OFM Cap, constructed a residence for priests on the Etah-Agra Road. Archbishop the Most Rev. Dominic Athaide blessed the Presbytery and named it 'Shanti Niwas' on May 5, 1981.

The foundation stone for a new Church was laid on May 7, 1998 by the Most Rev. Dr. Cecil De Sa. The long cherished dream of having a Church at Etah came to a reality on January 31, 1999 when the Most Rev. Dr. Vincent M. Concessao blessed the new Church and dedicated it to St. Francis Xavier. Fr. Joe Vadakkekara was the then priest in-charge.

Fr. Timothy, OFM Cap., Fr. Pius, OFM Cap., Fr. Peter Celestine OFM Cap., Fr. Thomas Paramundayil, Fr. Lawrence, OFM Cap., have rendered their services to this Mission. In 2004, the Most Rev. Dr. Oswald Gracias took the initiative to have a special coaching/study centre for local candidates who wished to become priests. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. Vijayan Menezes, OFM Cap 1980 - 1982
Fr. Raphy Manjaly 1983 - 1984
Fr. John D'Cunha 1984 - 1986
Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi 1986 - 1986
Fr. Ignatius Miranda 1986 - 1988
Fr. Ignatius Chulliyil 1988 - 1990
Fr. Joe Vadakkekara 1990 - 1999
Fr. George Paul 1999 - 2001
Fr. K. K. Thomas 2001 - 2002
Fr. Tomy V. A. 2002 - 2006
Fr. Vinoy Pulivellil 2006 - 2008
Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath 2008 - 2010
Fr. Joby Kanjirathinkal 2010 - 2015
Fr. Raphy Vallachira 2015 – 2021
Fr. Arul Kumar Lazar 2021 -
Address St. Francis Xavier's Church Shanti Nivas, Agra Road Etah - 207 001
Phone 05742-233790
Patron St. Francis Xavier
Annual Feast Day December 3
Estd 1962
Catholics 128
Clergy Fr. Arul Kr. Lazar (P.P.)
Religious Houses
Assisi Convent (FCC) T. 233410/9897929876
Assisi Bhavan (FCC) M. 8937965076
Assisi Convent Primary School T. 233410/9997319640
Assisi Convent Sr. Sec. School M. 9458577907
St. Mary's Bal Bhavan M. 8938031252
St. Mary's High School (H.M) M. 7253095800

In November 1985, the Archdiocese of Agra purchased a piece of land (5 acres and 20 cents) in village Dholpura, Firozabad. Fr. Paul Thannickal was the first resident Priest In-charge who established the mission. The Education ministry began on 08 August, 1988. The presbytery and the Canossa Convent were blessed on Dec. 27, 1989. The expansion of the school took place in the year 2011. The following are the parish priests who served the mission.

Fr. Paul Thannickal 1988 - 1995
Fr. John Ferreira 1995 - 2001
Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi 2001 - 2003
Fr. Stephen Kolandaisamy 2003 - 2008
Fr. Thomas K. K. 2008 - 2013
Fr. Rogimon Thomas 2013 - 2018
Fr. Shaji Joseph 2018 - 2023
Fr. Vinoy Pulivelil 2023 -
Address St. John's Church Agra Road, Firozabad - 283 203
Phone 05612-230254
Patron St. John the Evangelist
Annual Feast Day December 27
Estd 1988
Catholics 105
Clergy Fr. Vinoy Pulivelil (PP)
Religious House
St. John's Convent (FDCC) M. 8859789001
St. John's Sr. Sec. School T. 231678

On 3 April 2000 the Archdiocese purchased fifteen acres of land with a view to start a Technical College or a Degree College; which could not be materialized. St. John's School Unit II was blessed and inaugurated on April 2011 at that site. Fr. Shaji Joseph was the first residential priest. On 7 June 2012, the Poor Sisters of Our Lady opened the convent and began to render their services. On 18 October 2012, a newly built convent was blessed. The presbytery was blessed on 11 May 2015 by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza. The following are the priests in-charge:

Fr. Shaji Joseph 2011 - 2014
Fr. Prakash D'Souza 2014 - 2019
Fr. Praveen Raj Moras 2019 - 2024
Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2024 -
Address St. John's School, UPSIDC Jalesar Road, Firozabad - 283 203
Patron St. John the Evangelist
Annual Feast Day December 27
Estd 2011
Clergy Fr. Joseph Rodrigues
Religious House
St. Theresa's Convent (PSOL) M. 8650529205, 8859457805
St. John's High School, UPSIDC M. 9219455707

In 1993, the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority allotted a plot of 6.36 acres to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agra. Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath, the then Parish Priest of Noida signed the lease deed on 22nd April 1994. The construction of the first phase of the school building began in May 1995. On 19th March 2000, the mission was inaugurated and the first phase of the school building was blessed by the Most Rev. Vincent Concessao, the then Archbishop of Agra. Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil was the first Parish Priest.

On Saturday 8th April 2000, the then District Magistrate, Mr. Deepak Kumar, IAS, inaugurated the first academic session of the school. The Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Graces joined in April 2000. The Pilar Fathers and the Ursuline Sisters of Mary Immaculate joined in June - July 2000 respectively. Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany established a convent and a vocational training centre in 2005. The Congregation of the Teresian Carmelites joined the parish community in 2008 and the Pilar Sisters in 2010. Jesus and Mary Convent School was established in 2008.

The allotment process of the land for the Church was started in Greater Noida in the year 2002 by Rev. Fr. Paul Thannickal, the then Parish Priest and possession of it was given to us in 2010 when Fr. Dennis D'Souza was Parish Priest. Foundation stone was laid on Nov. 5, 2019 by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza and the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Vinoy Pullivelil in the presence of the priests, religious and people of God. The Church was to be inaugurated on March 19, 2020 but due to COVID-19 it was not possible. The presbytery at the Church campus was blessed and inaugurated on July 16, 2020. The Church was blessed and dedicated on November 1, 2020. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 2000 - 2001
Fr. Paul Thannickal 2001 - 2007
Fr. Dennis D'Souza 2007 - 2013
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 2013 - 2017
Fr. Vinoy Pulivelil 2017 - 2023
Fr. Andrew Correia 2023 -
Address St. Joseph's Church Pocket D, Alpha I Greater Noida - 201 308 Gautam Buddh Nagar (Dt.)
Phone 0120-2326113, 2326114
Patron St. Joseph, the Spouse of Mary
Annual Feast Day March 19
Estd 2000
Catholics 1460
Mass Centre Surajpur
Clergy Fr. Andrew Correia (PP)
Fr. Bhagwan (Ashish) John (APP)
Fr. John D’Cunha
Fr. Thomas K. K.
Fr. Jipson Palatty
Fr. Saji (Jacob) Palamattom
Religious Houses
Bethany Convent (BS) M. 8310484153
Clare Bhavan (SFSC) M. 9285503207
Jesus & Mary Convent (MSST) M. 8802292610
Missionary Srs. of O.L. of Pilar (MSP) M. 8390811247
Nirmala Provincialate (UMI) T. 2399069
Shraddha Deep Convent (MDR-OP) M. 6263864296
Society of St. Francis Xavier (SFX) M. 9811372252
St. Francis Niwas (CMSF) M. 9968274531
St. Joseph's Convent (FSLG) M. 9911026590
Ursuline Convent (UMI) T. 2399053
Bethany Convent School T. 2321677
Disha Vocational Training Centre M. 7838180415
Fr. Agnel Balbhavan M. 9811372252
Fr. Agnel School T. 2326557, 9717958357
Jesus And Mary Convent School T. 2326288, 6498682
St. Francis School T. 9968274531
St. Joseph's Sr. Sec. School T. 2326114, 9818663851
Ursuline Convent Sr. Sec. School T. 6457539
KNEUS T. 2322019, 2322021

In July 1972, Fr. Jose Maliekal was entrusted with the work of opening a school, at the invitation of many leading people of Hathras, especially by the members of the Lions' Club, who contacted Fr. Columban, OFM Cap for the purpose and who did the spade work.

The school was housed in the first floor of H. H. Oil Mills for three years. Later it was shifted to Agarwal Garden. In 1980, Fr. Vijayan OFM Cap, managed to get a plot near the Popia Canal, on Aligarh-Agra Road. It is on this land the Church, School and Convent were built.

The Mission Sisters of Ajmer are working in the school.

Rev. Fr. John Ferreira started a hostel for poor children. Owing to various reasons the hostel has been closed down. For the Yesu Christ Jayanti, the foundation was laid for Jubilee Wings on February 6, 2005 and was blessed on July 9, 2006. The extension of the administrative block was blessed and inagurated on July 6, 2009. The following are the Parish Priests:

Fr. Jose Maliekal 1972 - 1976
Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi 1976 - 1977
Fr. John Lewis, OFM Cap 1977 - 1978
Fr. Vijayan Menezes, OFM Cap 1978 - 1982
Fr. Thomas K.K. 1982 - 1987
Fr. John Ferreira 1987 - 1994
Fr. Jose Akkara 1994 - 2000
Fr. Jose Muttath 2000 - 2003
Fr. Jose Maliekal 2003 - 2007
Fr. Paul Thannickal 2007 - 2009
Fr. Mathew Thundiyil 2009 - 2015
Fr. Dr. Robert Varghese 2015 - 2021
Fr. Sunny Kottoor 2021 - 2022
Fr. George Paul 2022 -
Address St. Francis Church Garhi Tamna Hathras - 204 101
Phone 05722-297885
Patron St. Francis of Assisi
Annual Feast Day October 4
Estd 1972
Catholics 100
Clergy Fr. George Paul (PP)
Fr. Prakash D’souza
Religious House
Sneh Bhawan (MSA) M. 9084411697
St. Francis Inter College M. 7895555596

It was some time in 1943 that Brother Xavier Braganza on one of his mission tours to Sirsa, came across a man named Mangu from Jaith. Mr. Mangu used to frequent Sirsa as he had a relation in that village through marriage. He was very inquisitive about Christianity and its teachings which ultimately led him to have several rounds of dialogues with the Brothers. A few days later, a group of leaders from that village led by Mr. Mangu met the Brothers at Mathura Cantt and expressed their willingness to be instructed in the Christian doctrine. The enthusiasm of the people touched the hearts of the Brothers. In December 1945, before the Feast of the Nativity, the first batch of 317 people was received into the Church.

Fr. Gyan Prakash, IMS, located a plot of land in Jaith in 1962. Brother Hubert who was at that time in Chandu Ka Nagla, helped to purchase three acres of land for the Church. On this very land today, stands the Church, Convent, School and Hostel. During the Archbishopric the Most. Rev. Dominic Athaide, Fr. Virender built the Nishkalanka Mata Church in 1968. In the same year at the request of the Archbishop, Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate came to help in the village ministry. The hospital was built in 1972 with the aid of donors.

CMSF Brothers were in Jaith helping the priests in-charge. The first resident priest of Jaith was Fr. Joseph D'Souza.

Fr. Stephen K. and Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil succeeded him respectively. CMSF Brothers were in Jaith helping Fr. Mathew Kumbloomottil. Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate withdrew their Sisters from Jaith in 1983.

On July 26, 1988 Sisters of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary arrived in Jaith. Fr. Varghese started Nishkalanka Mata School on July 12, 1990. Fr. Joseph Dabre opened a boarding for poor boys in 1992. On February 3, 2000 the Most Rev. Vincent Concessao laid the foundation stone for Nishkalanka Mata Hostel. Fr. Eugene Lazarus started the work of the hostel which was continued and completed by Fr. Andrew Correia and blessed by the Most Rev. Oswald Gracias on August 15, 2001. The foundation stone for the present Church was laid on July 17, 2014 and blessed on July 31, 2016. Five acres of land was bought by Fr. Saji Palamattom (Jacob) for the new school at a distance of 200 mts. from the existing school. The The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Joseph D'Souza 1978 - 1984
Fr. Stephen Kolandaiswamy 1984 - 1985
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 1985 - 1987
Fr. Varghese Kunnath 1987 - 1991
Fr. Joseph Dabre 1991 - 1997
Fr. Eugene Moon Lazarus 1997 - 2000
Fr. Andrew Correia 2000 - 2007
Fr. Sunny Kottoor 2007 - 2011
Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2011 - 2015
Fr. Saji Palamattom (Jacob) 2015 - 2020
Fr. Arun Lasrado 2020 - 2021
Fr. Tony D'Almeida 2021 - 2022
Fr. Siju Pindikanayil 2022 -
Address Nishkalanka Mata Mission Jaith P.O. 281 402 Mathura Dt.
Mobile : 8273027999
Patroness Our Lady of Imm. Conception
Annual Feast Day December 8
Estd 1968
Catholics 220
Clergy Fr. Siju Pindikanayil (PP)
Fr. Andrew Sachit Kerketta (APP)
Religious House
Convent of Jesus and Mary (RJM) M. 8868899350
Nishkalanka Mata High School M. 8273027999

Kasganj was a Mass Centre being looked after from Etah. To meet the ever increasing demand by the people of Kasganj to have an English Medium School, the Archbishop of Agra, the Most Rev. Cecil De Sa, in 1994 requested the Priest-in-charge of Etah Fr. Joe Vadakekkara to explore the possibility for a school at Kasganj. Accordingly, two acres of land was bought and another five acres of mango grove was added to the existing plot in 1999. Fr. Joe Vadakekkara was also appointed as the first resident priest in July 2001. He stayed in a rented house for 18 months and built the Presbytery and the Convent. The Sisters of FSJ arrived in 2000. The school began in the presbytery and in the convent in 2001, as the new school building was being constructed. The foundation stone for St. Joseph's School Sr. Wing was laid on March 26, 2017, and inagurated on June 30, 2019. The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Joe Vadakkekara 1999 - 2005
Fr. Simon Tuscano 2005 - 2010
Fr. Shiju Pallipadan 2010 - 2015
Fr. Peter Parkhe 2015 – 2021
Fr. Dr. Robert Varghese 2021 - 2023
Fr. Cyril Prakash Moras 2023 -
Address St. Joseph's Church Bilram Road, Kasganj - 207 123 Kanshiram Nagar (Dt.)
Phone 05744-296192
Patron St. Joseph, the Spouse of Mary
Annual Feast Day March 19
Estd 2000
Catholics 38
Mass Centre Nagaria
Clergy Fr. Cyril Prakash Moras
Religious House
St. Joseph's Convent (FSJ) M. 9457758817
St. Joseph's Public School M. 8476044692

The latest feather added to the Aligarh Mission's cap is St. Fidelis, Phase 3 - at Kheda Khush Khabar, an initiative of Fr. George Paul and Fr. Alwyn Pinto. Its foundation stone was blessed and laid by the Archbishop of Agra, the Most Rev. Albert D'Souza on December 9, 2013. Fr. George Paul was instrumental in the founding of the school. The School was blessed on April 7, 2015; and subsequently the Fidelis Bhawan and the Holy Spirit Convent on July 16, 2015. The following are the priests in-charge:

Fr. Thomas (Sunil) Mathew 2015 - 2018
Fr. Suresh Kumar D'Souza 2018 - 2024
Fr. Sebastian Kollithanam 2024 -
Address St. Fidelis Mission Kheda Khush Khabar Jiroli Dor P.O. Aligarh - 202 140
Mobile 9412172600
Patron St. Fidelis
Annual Feast Day April 24
Estd 2015
Clergy Fr. Sebastian Kollithanam
Religious House
Holy Spirit Convent (CCR) M. 8171470116
St. Fidelis School

It was Rev. Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil, the Parish Priest of St. Mary's Church, Noida, along with Rev. Fr. Gregory Tharayil, the then assistant parish priest explored all the possibilities of the pastoral care of the people settled in Khora in 1994. The faithful were regularly attending the Sunday Masses at Sector-34, Noida. Under the leadership of Mr. Mohan Paul, Rev.

Fr. Gregory Tharayil began periodic prayer meetings and gatherings at various houses in the initial stages. After a preparation for almost a year, the inauguration of the parish was done on Friday January 26, 1996 with a solemn concelebrated Eucharist celebration. From then on, Masses have been celebrated regularly at Khora by priests from St. Mary's Church.

the arrival of the TOR Fathers in 1997, the pastoral care of Khora Colony was entrusted to them. The credit of all the spade work for St. Antony's Parish, at Khora Colony, must go to Rev. Fr. Gregory Tharayil, the then assistant parish priest of St. Mary's Church, Noida.

St. Anthony's Church, Khora, was blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Vincent Concessao on August 22, 2000. This parish is entrusted to the Third Order Regular of the Franciscans. The following are the Priests in-charge:

Fr. Marion Pulichamakkal, TOR 2000 - 2003
Fr. Adriyan Kumpalath, TOR 2003 - 2005
Fr. Jose Thottunkal, TOR 2005 - 2009
Fr. Marianus Hansdak, TOR 2009 - 2010
Fr. Adriyan Kumpalath, TOR 2010 - 2012
Fr. Antony Perunneparambil, TOR 2012 - 2017
Fr. Shinoj Kizhakkemuril, TOR 2017 -
Address St. Anthony's Church Dharam Vihar, Khora Colony Ghaziabad Dt. 201 309
Phone 0120-2534137, 6574866
Patron St. Anthony of Padua
Annual Feast Day June 13
Estd 2000
Catholics 120
Clergy Fr. Shinoj Kizhakkemuril, TOR
Religious House
Sneha Dhara (SHM) M. 09868777348
St. Anthony's School T. 6574866

Kiraoli is a small town situated 10 km from Fatehpur Sikri towards Agra. Fatehpur Sikri holds great significance in the history of Christianity in North India, as Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great invited Christian missionaries to his royal court at Fatehpur Sikri. The Archdiocese felt the need to re-establish a mission in its vicinity to enhance the work of evangelization.

Considering these factors, a plot of land was purchased by RCDA through Fr. Ignatius Miranda at Gopau Village under Kiraoli Tehsil on March 2010, and it was subsequently decided to establish a Senior Secondary School. The construction of school building began in June 2013 and was blessed and inaugurated on April 15, 2014. Its location in the outskirts of Kiraoli is perfect for giving a salubrious environment to children.

The Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga (FSAG), based in Pondicherry, are actively rendering their services. The Convent was blessed on July 16, 2014. The foundation stone for the presbytery was laid on December 10, 2018, and the same was blessed by the Most Rev. Albert D'Souza on November 22, 2020. The following are the priests in-charge:

Fr. Roy Dolphus 2014 - 2020
Fr. Stany V. Rodrigues 2020 -
Address St. Peter's School, St. Peter's Road Raibha, Kiraoli - 283 101 Agra Dt., U.P.
Mobile 8535099530
Patron St. Peter, the Apostle
Annual Feast Day June 29
Estd 2014
Catholics 10
Clergy Fr. Stany V. Rodrigues
Religious House
St. Aloysius Nivas (FSAG) M. 8239506581
St. Peter's School M. 8535099530

St. Theresa's Church, Kosikalan, had its origin in October 1987 when Fr. Varghese Kunnath, the then Priest in-charge of Nishkalanka Mata Church, Jaith, went to meet the Christian Community at Kosi at the request of Brother Philip Neri, CMSF. Having offered Sunday Masses for six months in a rented room, this new mission was approved by the then Archbishop, the Most Rev. Cecil DeSa during his pastoral visit to Kosikalan. Four and a half acres of land was bought in Barhana Village where the present Church, the School, the presbytery and the Convent are built. St. Theresa's School began in rented rooms on July 10, 1990 in the city. In October 1991, the school was shifted to the new building at Nandgaon Road. The Daughters of the Sacred Heart (DSH) arrived in the Mission in July 1991. The dedication of the Church, the Presbytery and the Convent took place on April 14, 1993. The silver jubilee memorial block was inaugurated and blessed on July 8, 2017.

Fr. Varghese Kunnath was the founder of the mission. The following are the parish priests who worked in this mission.

Fr. Varghese Kunnath 1987 - 1995
Fr. Thomas K. K. 1995 - 2001
Fr. John Ferreira 2001 - 2007
Fr. Andrew Correia 2007 - 2013
Fr. Alwyn Pinto 2013 - 2019
Fr. Mathew Kanjirathinkal 2019 - 2024
Fr. Dominic (Amit) George 2024 -
Address St. Theresa's Church Nandgaon Road Kosi Kalan - 281 403 Mathura Dt.
Mobile 9760253977
Patroness St. Theresa of Child Jesus
Annual Feast Day October 1
Estd 1990
Catholics 48
Clergy Fr. Dominic (Amit) George (PP)
Fr. Justin Augustine (APP)
Religious House
Sacred Heart Convent (DSH) T. 233038
St. Theresa's School M. 9045483706

Mathura, also known as Muttra in earlier times, is an ancient Hindu holy city, the birth place of Lord Krishna. It is situated on the banks of the river Yamuna, having many sacred temples and ashrams. Lakhs of pilgrims converge every year.

Christianity has been co-existing in Mathura, for many centuries. The first Catholic to visit Mathura was a French priest, Fr. Tavernier, in about 1650. Another French man Bernier visited Mathura in 1663. Fr. Joseph Tiffenthaler, a Jesuit Missionary from Bolzano was in Mathura in 1750 to inspect the astronomical instruments of Raja Jai Singh.

Msgr. Victor Jacquemont visited Mathura in the cold weather of 1829-30.

Catholic communities of Armenians and Goans were here even before 1800 AD. Records say that Fr. Gregory, a Carmelite priest came to Mathura and administered the Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony to several Catholics on the September 30, 1791. He is the same priest who baptized Begum Sumroo of Sardhana, at Akbar's Church in Agra.

The Church, dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, was demolished in January 1874, and at the same place on the 18th of the same month, on the feast of the Holy Name, the first stone bearing the title of the Sacred Heart was laid for the new and the present Church. The entire Church edifice was completed and solemnly blessed two years later on the feast of All Saints by the Most Rev. Michael Angelo Jacopi, OFM Cap, the then Archbishop of Agra on November 1, 1876. This Church constructed in Gothic style blended with oriental design and native arts along with a dome elevated in Russian look, is a model of inculturation in the architectural styles of the Church. The work was supervised by Mr. F. S. Growse the then Collector and Magistrate of Mathura.

Many leading members of the Hindu community - the Rani of Kunwar, the Seths, the Raja of Hathras, Lala Syam Sundar Das, to mention a few assisted in the construction of the Church with handsome pecuniary donations and many of them attended the solemn blessing of the Church.

In 1936 the Franciscan Brothers of Mt. Poinsur started their Missionary work in Mathura with Brothers Otto and Magnus, concentrating more on village uplift. The School that was run by the Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Church was given over to Mother Mary of Jesus Immolated and her Companion, Sr. Beatrice, in 1956. In 1958 Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Dominic Athaide invited the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of Trivandrum to look after the school for the diocese. In 1960 the IMS Fathers came to work in the Mathura Mission.

Owing to the efforts of the IMS Fathers, Capuchin Fathers, Franciscan Brothers, Diocesan Fathers and Sisters of various Congregations, many villages were strengthened with programmes of social uplift. Parishes like St. Michael - Anoopnagar, Our lady of Fatima - Ajay Nagar, St. Joseph - Gaunpur and Nishkalanka Mata - Jaith were carved out from Mathura and it serves as the Deanery Parish for these Parishes along with St. Peter's Parish, Bharatpur, and St. Peter's Parish, Bhimnagar, St. Theresa's Mission Kosi Kalan and the latest St. Mother Teresa's Mission, Aduki.

Now there are three women religious Congregations and one of men (CCR, FCC, ASC and CMSF Brothers). The following are the Diocesan Priests who have served over here:

Fr. John D'Cunha 1981 - 1984
Fr. Joseph T. D'Souza 1984 - 1987
Fr. Dennis D'Souza 1987 - 1994
Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath 1994 - 1997
Fr. Antony, TOR 1997 - 2001
Fr. Gregory Tharayil 2001 - 2007
Fr. Mathew Thundiyil 2007 - 2009
Fr. Joe Thykkattil 2009 - 2012
Fr. RaphyVallachira 2012 - 2015
Fr. Mathew Thundiyil 2015 - 2017
Fr. Philip Correia 2017 - 2023
Fr. Elias Correia 2023 -
Address Sacred Heart Church Basantar Marg Mathura Cantt. 281 002
Phone 0565-2471511
Patron Sacred Heart
Annual Feast Day June 11
Estd 1874
Catholics 182
Clergy Fr. Elias Correia (PP)
Fr. Joby Kanjirathinkal
Religious Houses
Assisi Ashram (CMSF) M. 8802124777
Sacred Heart Convent (CCR) T. 2400630, 3295617
St. Alphonsa Convent (FCC) T. 2470830
St. Maria Niwas (ASC) M. 8433270229
Alpha Play School T. 2471122
Sacred Heart Convent Hr. Sec. School T. 3205442
St. Dominic's Sr. Sec. School T. 2470286
St. Francis Public School T. 2432694

At the northern tip of the Archdiocese of Agra lies St. Mary's Church with its borders touching the ecclesiastical territories of Delhi and Meerut. Even in the initial days of its growth and development, Noida being an industrial city, attracted thousands of people because of the many job opportunities, residential amenities and clean pollution-free environment, apart from the proximity to the capital city of Delhi.

Among the early migrants were a few Catholics who longed for the services of a priest. When Fr. Augustine Kuriappally, the then Parish Priest of Trilokpuri Parish in Delhi offered his services, the seeds of St. Mary's Parish were sown in January 1983. Even though the Priests from Delhi took care of the pastoral needs of the few Catholics, Noida remained 'no one's child' without any clear indication as to which diocese it belonged to.

The adoption process, however, was initiated in early 1984 when Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath, the then Parish Priest of Bulandshahar, of the Archdiocese of Agra, started visiting Noida and finally took charge of the new parish from Fr. Cyrillo Rodrigues of Trilokpuri, on August 23, 1986. Thus Noida, became part of Agra Archdiocese. The foundation stone of the present beautiful and majestic Church in Sector 34 was laid by the Most Rev. Cecil DeSa, the Archbishop of Agra on August 15, 1991 and exactly after two years, the same was dedicated to Our Lady of Assumption at a solemn ceremony on August 15, 1993. FCC Noida Province was established on July 12, 1992.

The advent of TOR Fathers in January 1997 added a new dimension to the pastoral care of the faithful. The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Johnson Chiriyankandath 1991 - 1994
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 1994 - 1999
Fr. Joe Thykkattil 1999 - 2002
Fr. Ignatius Miranda 2002 - 2003
Fr. Mathew Thundiyil 2003 - 2005
Fr. John D'Cunha 2005 - 2010
Fr. Stephen Kolandaiswamy 2010 - 2016
Fr. Joseph Dabre 2016 - 2022
Fr. Santhosh D'Sa 2022 - 2023
Fr. Philip Correia 2023 -
Address St. Mary's Church A-71-A, Sector 34 Noida - 201 303 G.B.Nagar (Dt.)
Phone 0120-2507412
Patroness Our Lady of Assumption
Annual Feast Day August 15
Estd 1986
Catholics 5020
Mass Centre Maria Sadan, T. 2522283
Clergy Fr. Philip Correia (PP)
Fr. Ajay Franston (APP)
Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament
Fr. Joson IMS
Religious Houses
Assisi Convent (FCC), Sec.33 T. 2505275
Assisi Convent (FCC), Sec. 17 T. 2511351
Holy Family Sisters (SFM) M. 9602785991
IMS House, Sec. 19 M. 9971504317
San Damiano Provincialate (FCC) T. 2504708
Shanti Niwas (TOR), Sec. 11 T. 2534137
Assisi Convent Primary School T. 2511351
Assisi Convent Sr. Sec. School T. 2505412, 2505477
Fr. Agnel School T. 2400068, 2400079
Board of Research, Education and Development M. 9599077827

a part of the extension of the educational services to serve the people of Agra, the Archdiocese of Agra had purchased a plot of land at Rohta.

His Grace entrusted the work of looking for a suitable land to Rev. Fr. Paul Thannickal, the then Principal of St. Peter's College, in 2014. After searching and sifting many pieces of land for three years, and taking into consideration the cost and financial conditions of the Society, it purchased the land at Rohta, with the help of Rev. Fr. Sebastian Pantaladi, the in-charge of Diocesan properties and Rev. Fr. George Paul, the Diocesan Director of Education in the year 2017.

Rev. Fr. Paul Thannickal, then the Principal of St. Peter's College, Agra, was officially made the in-charge of Rohta Mission by His Grace, in April 2019. The construction started with the laying of the foundation stone by the Most Rev.

Dr. Albert D' Souza, in the presence of Rev. Msgr. Joe Thykkattil, then the Bishop-elect of Gwalior, and other priests of Agra Archdiocese on June 20, 2019.

Owing to Covid -19 Pandemic, the construction was slowed down. The presbytery, convent and School are expected to start latest by March 2021.

Fr. Paul Thannikkal
2019 -
St. Peter's Presbytery Plot No. 1361 Gadi Thakur Das Road Rohta, Gwalior Road Agra - 282 009, U.P.
St. Peter, The Apostle
Annual Feast Day
June 29
Fr. Paul Thannikkal
Fr. Francis D’Souza
Religious House
St. Peter's Presbytery
St. Peter's School

St. Francis School, was established on July 1, 2018. It is on the NH 507 near the village of Badar, Sadabad tehsil, Hathras District. Nearly 5 acres of land was bought under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Jose Maliekal the in-charge of property and Rev. Fr. Ignatius Miranda, the Financial Administrator. The land was kept vacant for nearly seven years and the neighbours attempted to encroach the land. The then Principal, Rev. Fr. Dr. Robert Varghese, Priest in-charge initiated the building of the boundary wall with the help of local administration and planned to build the school.

As an extension of the St. Francis Sr. Sec. School, Hathras, St. Francis School in Sadabad was opened. The school unit was inaugurated on June, 2018 by the Most Rev. Dr. Albert D'Souza, the Archbishop of Agra. The school began its functioning from July 3, 2018. The Daughters of Divine Zeal Sisters started to work from 2019. The presbytery was blessed and inaugurated on October 5, 2019.

Fr. Joseph Rodrigues 2018 - 2024
Fr. Suresh D’Souza 2024 -
Address St. Francis School Badar, Sadabad Hathras - 281 306
Phone 9119772205
Patron St. Francis of Assisi
Annual Feast Day October 4
Estd 2018
Catholics 02
Clergy Fr. Suresh D’Souza
Religious House
Divine Zeal Sadan (FDZ) M. 9633134517
St. Francis School M. 9058491199

The Church of the Holy Family was built in 1856 chiefly to look after the spiritual needs of railway employees consisting of Europeans and Anglo-Indians. Until 1967 this Church was visited by a priest from Agra to conduct services on Sundays and feast days. In the course of time the work of the Church developed and extended its services to the nearby villages and hundreds were baptized. Unfortunately these people became apostates. Fr. Pius, Fr. Peter Celestine, Fr. Clement and Fr. Francis Lobo worked in the parish up to 1970.

On June 28, 1970 Fr. K. C. Thomas was appointed resident priest. On July 3, 1972 he opened Christ the King English medium school in a rented building. Later in September 1972, Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph from Madras arrived to lend a helping hand in the Parish.

In 1978, Christ the King School was shifted from the rented building to the place purchased by the Archdiocese on the Agra-Kanpur Highway. The school was upgraded to a High School in 1985.

A new plot of land was purchased in September 2007 to relocate the primary sections. On August 15, 2008, the construction of the first phase of Christ the King Primary School commenced. In July 2009, the K.G. sections, in July 2010 Classes I to III and the rest of Primary Section in 2012 were relocated in the new campus; also the school was raised to Senior Secondary level. The following are the parish priests:

Fr. Thomas K. C. 1972 - 1985
Fr. Blaise Gonsalves 1985 - 1986
Fr. George Paul 1986 - 1987
Fr. Paul Thannickal 1987 - 1988
Fr. Jose Akkara 1988 - 1994
Fr. Antony C. J. 1994 - 1995
Fr. Simon Lopez 1995 - 1996
Fr. Paul Thannickal 1996 - 2001
Fr. George Paul 2001 - 2007
Fr. Mathew Kumblumoottil 2007 - 2013
Fr. Andrew Correia 2013 - 2019
Fr. Jipson Palatty 2019 - 2024
Fr. Charles Toppo 2024 -
Address Holy Family Church C/o Christ the King School Gandhipuram, Tundla - 283 204 Firozabad (Dt.)
Patron Holy Family of Nazareth
Annual Feast Day Feast of Holy Family
Estd 1856
Catholics 160
Clergy Fr. Charles Toppo (PP)
Fr. Peter Parkhe
Religious Houses
Loretto Convent (FSJ) T. 229277
St. Francis Monastery-Aradhana (PCC) M. 6207221319
St. Francis Provincialate (FSJ) M. 9457481567
Masih Vidyapeeth (Regional Philosophate)
Christ the King Primary School T. 7500051591
Christ the King Inter College T.9012999972
St. Dominic's Hospital T. 228292
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